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Messages - bkev

Pages: 12 3
Plugins / Re: Additional Tagging & Reporting Tools
« on: June 03, 2023, 10:12:50 AM »
I think the end of his eval had two comma's which were overlooked for doubling... ""\@1""), [Explicit],)]]

Which is understandable as if you copy his full eval into the preset editor text control, those last few characters would be hidden unless you intentionally scroll through to the end.  You probably never envisioned anyone using excessively long replacement strings when you originally made the box.  I contemplated once about requesting you to make the preset editor WS_THICKFRAME compatible, but considering there's a few dozen controls in there to link, it hardly seemed a practical amount of effort for something so rarely needed.

Yeah that was it. I missed off some of the end commas and once I doubled those up it worked again.

Plugins / Re: Additional Tagging & Reporting Tools
« on: June 03, 2023, 10:12:05 AM »
Apologies for not being clear.

In my first attempt I doubled up the " and the , but only within the if statement. I ended up doubling up anywhere there was a " and a , and that seemed to fix it.

could you be more specific? you wrote:

I think I've done it.

I've just replaced all " with "" and doubled up all the commas and it now seems to work. I'll keep testing.

but you have already replaced " by "" in this example (which didn't work for you):

For, if I change it to this:
\@eval[[$If($TagContainsAnyString(<URL>,,Lyrics,,""\@1""), [Explicit],)]]

It just adds $If($TagContainsAnyString(<URL>,Lyrics,"bad|words"), [Explicit],) to the existing title.

I'm confused!

Plugins / Re: Additional Tagging & Reporting Tools
« on: June 02, 2023, 01:22:21 PM »
Oh no, this latest update seems to have broken a custom preset for me.

The original, which was working before had this:

Search for
replace with

Step 2
Search for
replace with
\@eval[[$If($TagContainsAnyString(<URL>,Lyrics,"\@1"), [Explicit],)]]

I've tried a combination of things but I still can't get it to work.

For, if I change it to this:
\@eval[[$If($TagContainsAnyString(<URL>,,Lyrics,,""\@1""), [Explicit],)]]

It just adds $If($TagContainsAnyString(<URL>,Lyrics,"bad|words"), [Explicit],) to the existing title.

I'm confused!


I think I've done it.

I've just replaced all " with "" and doubled up all the commas and it now seems to work. I'll keep testing.

Questions / Re: Musicbee $Date(<Year>,yyyy)
« on: August 26, 2022, 02:42:56 PM »
Thanks @boroda

I think I can fix the issue by retagging using Picard so it changes the date field to be yyyymmdd. This then fixes the view and sorting in Musicbee.

Questions / Musicbee $Date(<Year>,yyyy)
« on: August 26, 2022, 12:16:07 PM »
I've got the following custom tag of $Date(<Year>,yyyy)

This works for the most part, but for dates that are in the format dd/mm/yyyy it doesn't work.

Is this because MB expects the date to be in mm/dd/yyyy? If it is, is there anyway around it?

Year Tag                            Result
1965                                   1965
05/10/1970                       1970
2022-04-09                        2022
28/09/2004                       (Blank)
13/06/2008                       (Blank)

Plugins / Re: Additional Tagging & Reporting Tools
« on: August 26, 2022, 12:04:10 PM »
One question, when does the plug in change the tags? Will it rescan the playlists or does something else need to be done for it to check the playlist and/or library so it can check any new files added?
asr auto-applies ticked presets if "changed" file meet the criteria (as phred has written) directly on file change. "file change" is either any change of its tag(s), if this tag change is not made by asr itself (to avoid infinite loops), or moving file from inbox to library, or just adding new file to the library.

i would recommend you not to auto-apply asr presets on mb startup. it's slower that:

1st manually apply required presets to files that belong to required playlist (select playlist in the left navigator panel to show only tracks from that playlist in the main panel, and select all tracks from playlist (ctrl+A))

2nd auto-apply required presets on "tag changes" (this will also auto-apply presets on adding new tracks to the library), if "changed files" belong to that (auto)playlist

i've made auto-applying asr presets slightly faster, not sure if it's noticeable:

That's great thanks. Happy to run it through my library I've already got manually and the tick in the preset means it applies to any new files is perfect. Thanks for putting so much work in to getting this sorted.

Plugins / Re: Additional Tagging & Reporting Tools
« on: August 25, 2022, 10:17:06 PM »
i thinks it's just a combination of 2 known issues (internal mb issue and plugin issue), each of which separately is not very important to fix it. roughly speaking, you click mb "tools" menu before plugin's submenu registration (and plugin's submenu won't be ever registered in this case). i've moved plugin's submenu registration to the beginning of plugin initialization (before auto-applying asr presets at startup).

try fixed plugin. it's worth to wait 1-2 sec. before clicking mb menu on mb startup in any case.

Brill, it doesn't break now nice one!

One question, when does the plug in change the tags? Will it rescan the playlists or does something else need to be done for it to check the playlist and/or library so it can check any new files added?

Plugins / Re: Additional Tagging & Reporting Tools
« on: August 25, 2022, 07:22:31 PM »
but I may have come across another bug (so sorry!)

If I set "Auto apply present only if track is contained in playlist" to a smart playlist and I also set "Autoapply ticked presets at startup" and tick this present, it seems that the plug in crashes? I think it is still there at start up, as some auto library stats I use still show, but it doesn't appear in the menu and it doesn't seem to change the tags.
i cant reproduce plugin crashes using these settings. try to: close mb, delete mb_TagTools.Settings, start mb again, and adjust ASR settings from scratch.

Still happens for me I'm afraid.

I've closed mb, deleted the file. Opened mb. Deleted all the presets. Closed mb. Open mb. Import any word explicit preset. Add the word. Tick the preset and tick the box for "Autoapply ticked presets at startup". Click Apply and "Save all and close"

Close mb

Open mb and the option for "Advanced Tagging Tools" no longer appears in the mb menu.

Plugins / Re: Additional Tagging & Reporting Tools
« on: August 25, 2022, 01:25:32 PM »
yes, it's another serious bug in ASR, which even is not directly related to your ASR presets.

fixed plugin:

fixed presets (delete old 2 presets before importing new presets):

Yes! That looks like it works, but I may have come across another bug (so sorry!)

If I set "Auto apply present only if track is contained in playlist" to a smart playlist and I also set "Autoapply ticked presets at startup" and tick this present, it seems that the plug in crashes? I think it is still there at start up, as some auto library stats I use still show, but it doesn't appear in the menu and it doesn't seem to change the tags.

I'm not sure if this is because it takes a bit of time for Musicbee to generate the auto playlist and it's maybe not ready before the preset tries to access the files?

But thanks so much so far :)

If I set it to just "Autoapply ticked presets on startup" the "Additional tagging tools" option disappears from the menu and to get it back I have to edit the mb_TagTools.Settings file and change   <autoapplyTickedPresetsOnStartup>true</autoapplyTickedPresetsOnStartup> to false

Plugins / Re: Additional Tagging & Reporting Tools
« on: August 25, 2022, 08:55:19 AM »
One last thing I've found. Is there anyway that when the explicit preset is scanning the files, if the word "Explicit" already exists in the title, it skips it?
presets already skips " [Explicit]" at the end of title (notice a space before "[Explicit]"). maybe this space is the problem? or do you want to skip [Explicit] in the middle of the title?

No it's [Explicit] at the end of the title as you say.

So, for example

On the first run if lyrics doesn't have a word it's skipped, so that works. If lyrics do contain the word, change "Title" to "Title [Explicit]"

So far so good.

If I run the script again, on the same songs;

If lyrics don't contain the word, it's skipped. Again that's great. If lyrics do contain the words, what happens for me is that "Title [Explicit]" is change to "Title [Explicit] [Explicit]". It doesn't seem to skip it for me, just adds it on again.

Plugins / Re: Additional Tagging & Reporting Tools
« on: August 24, 2022, 08:30:19 PM »
I've tried deleting the files from AppData\Roaming\MusicBee\Plugins
it was a bug, plugin was always looking for "Missing Artwork.png" in "<mb installation path>\Plugins" folder. this didn't work if users install plugin by ''add plugin"  button in prefs (because plugin is installed to "<AppData>\Plugins" folder in this case). i've embedded "MissingArtwork.png" into plugin .dll, so this must be fixed now.

Could it be that the script is getting confused?
I can see that
$TagContainsAnyString(<URL>,TagName,string1|string2|etc.): returns "T" if tag
  contains any of the strings separated by |, otherwise returns "F".
  TagName must be written without angle brackets.

I think it is getting mixed up when a "T" already exists in the URL?

no, it's another bug. seems to be just legacy and buggy part of code. its fixed. also i've changed $1 to "$1" for URL in presets to take into account commas in file paths (commas also delimit function parameters).

fixed plugin:

updated presets:

delete old 2 presets before importing new ones to avoid preset duplicating.


I've given it a test and the library menu now loads and the presets work too!

One last thing I've found. Is there anyway that when the explicit preset is scanning the files, if the word "Explicit" already exists in the title, it skips it?

At the moment, everytime it is run, an additional "Explicit" is added to the title. I'd really like to set this preset to auto run everytime MusicBee is loaded so any new files can be tagged, but at the moment the files would just build up with "Explicit" on the end  :)

Plugins / Re: Additional Tagging & Reporting Tools
« on: August 24, 2022, 11:10:26 AM »
So it is doing something a little strange.

It seems that it does want to change the names of titles where the album begins with a T. It also looks like it does it where there is a comma (,) in the title and what happens is that

So for example:

Track = 1-1. Artist - Album beginning with T - Song name
Original Title = Song Name

New title tag then = Song name$If($TagContainsAnyString(<file path>)

But in the file path, the separator \ between Artist and Album has been replaced and the "T" at the beginning of the album is $he

So, if the path was \artist\Thealbum

The script adds this to the title and changes it to \artist$healbum

If that makes sense?

It also looks like it is trying to replace T in the Artist name too?

Could it be that the script is getting confused?
I can see that
$TagContainsAnyString(<URL>,TagName,string1|string2|etc.): returns "T" if tag
  contains any of the strings separated by |, otherwise returns "F".
  TagName must be written without angle brackets.

I think it is getting mixed up when a "T" already exists in the URL?

Plugins / Re: Additional Tagging & Reporting Tools
« on: August 24, 2022, 10:04:07 AM »
The only other thing I've noticed is that in the newer version I now get an error if I try and load "Library Reports". I know it's unrelated and it also happened in the version from earlier this month but if I roll back to the 2021 plugin it works.

MusicBee v3.4.8033.18564D

System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid.
   at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(String filename)
   at MusicBeePlugin.LibraryReportsCommand.initializeForm()
   at MusicBeePlugin.LibraryReportsCommand..ctor(Plugin tagToolsPluginParam)
   at MusicBeePlugin.Plugin.libraryReportsEventHandler(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at #=ztdEURO9iLJryE.#=za3znDkU=(Object #=z09rm0$E=, EventArgs #=z5EKpxKY=)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.RaiseEvent(Object key, EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEventInteractive(EventArgs e, ToolStripItemEventType met)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEvent(EventArgs e, ToolStripItemEventType met)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
working fine here. first check that unzipped all files from plugin package, especially "Missing Artwork.png". also, what version of mb are you using (installer, portable, store) and how you have installed plugin (manually copying to <mb folder>\plugins\ or using "add plugin" button in edit> prefs> plugins)?

I've tried deleting the files from AppData\Roaming\MusicBee\Plugins

Closed Musicbee

Opened Musicbee

Added the new zip via the preferences and still get the same.

MusicBee version 3.4.8033 which is the installed version.

Plugins / Re: Additional Tagging & Reporting Tools
« on: August 24, 2022, 08:18:33 AM »
So it is doing something a little strange.

It seems that it does want to change the names of titles where the album begins with a T. It also looks like it does it where there is a comma (,) in the title and what happens is that

So for example:

Track = 1-1. Artist - Album beginning with T - Song name
Original Title = Song Name

New title tag then = Song name$If($TagContainsAnyString(<file path>)

But in the file path, the separator \ between Artist and Album has been replaced and the "T" at the beginning of the album is $he

So, if the path was \artist\Thealbum

The script adds this to the title and changes it to \artist$healbum

If that makes sense?

It also looks like it is trying to replace T in the Artist name too?

Plugins / Re: Additional Tagging & Reporting Tools
« on: August 23, 2022, 10:44:18 PM »
redownload plugin:

presets are not changed.

redownload plugin:

presets are not changed.

Yes, the case insensitivity works on this thanks.

What I'm getting now though is that some title tags are changed correctly, and others have the script in it.

For example, some songs change from "Title" to "Title [Explicit]" whereas some others change from "Title" to "Title$Uf($TagConatinsAnyString(<path>...."

I'll have a look tomorrow, but it looks like it's where the album begins with a "T"?

Pages: 12 3