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Messages - tjinc

Pages: 12 3 ... 22
I've been toying with the idea of creating a plugin that would auto-Derate if tracks met certain skip criteria.
Looks like you've been toying with this idea for some time!  :)

I use ratings for a few of my auto-playlists. This would help alleviate removing songs that I don't really care for anymore. You know, the ones that lost their ZING.

You could probably achieve this by manipulating the <Rating> and <Skip Count> fields in a virtual tag.
When used in a virtual function, <Rating> returns a number between 0 to 5 (representing the number of stars).

A function such as :

$If(<Skip Count>>$Mul(<Rating>,5),0,$Sub($Mul(<Rating>,10),$Mul(<Skip Count>,2)))
would produce a number between 0 to 50 (representing 0 to 5 stars), reducing by 2 every skip (and you could use the value of this virtual tag as a rule in the auto-playlists)
I'm sure this algorithm could be improved (a nice decay curve maybe).

I realise that this does not update the rating tag itself so this would not be recognised by other programs (although you could probably do something there using the AT&RT plugin).

The 'add to library' option is greyed out because the files are already in the library.
I don't think there is a way to move/organise files and to remove from the library in the same breath.

My first thought on this would be to move the files to your server as you currently do (do you move or copy? You use both terms in your post) but also maintain a library filter based on file location (<Path> starts with .....). From this filter you could periodically 'select all' and 'remove from library'.

Bug Reports / Re: playlist lock doesn't prevent deleting
« on: April 11, 2024, 04:58:45 PM »
You can lock a static playlist ('lock' button on playlist header or right-click on playlist name > Lock Playlist)

This does prevent dragging of tracks to a different position in the playlist and prevents changing the manual order of tracks +++. It also prevents deletion of the playlist. You can still sort the playlist tracks by clicking on a column header (but you cannot update the playlist order).

The OP is correct in that it does not prevent deletion of tracks from within the playlist and I agree that it does seem like something it should do.

Not sure if this should be a wishlist request rather than a bug report though.


I think you might want to be using a 'Custom Layout':

Right click on the tab header > Use Custom Layout > Copy Current Layout To... (and save the layout with a suitable name).

You can now change the panel settings on this tab as required without changing the panel settings on any other tab.

Questions / Re: Sub-grouping header issue
« on: April 08, 2024, 06:24:03 AM »
If my guesses are right, I think you can correct this by using a 'Custom Sort' and adding <Album_subheader> to the end of your current sort option - something like: Album Artist/Album/Album_subheader

Unfortunately, this doesn't fix the issue. I guess it is probably because this sorting is for albums, and <Album_subheader> doesn't define albums but just subset of tracks within the album.

I am pretty certain that this should work.
Once you configured your custom sort did you remember to go back to the 'Sort By' option and select this new sort order?

Actually, I see that you are correct - this does not work in the Album Covers view (it does work in the Album and Tracks view). Looks like you do need to populate the Disc# field in order to separate the releases within an 'album' or, as you say, have the various reissues separated into 'different' albums.

Questions / Re: Sub-grouping header issue
« on: April 07, 2024, 08:49:41 PM »
I don't think that the reported issue (mixing of the two releases) is related to the virtual tag.

By default, the albums view will organise the album tracks based on disc# and then track#.
My guess is that, in your problem album, both releases do not have a disc# tag. Therefore the tracks are all seen as being on one disc and so ordered only by track# resulting in the releases being mixed up.

My next guess is that, with your fourth example (which does work), the original release is not tagged with a disc number whereas the 2021 Reissue release is tagged with disc numbers 1 and 2. This results in all three having different 'disc#' tags and are separated and displayed as required.

If my guesses are right, I think you can correct this by using a 'Custom Sort' and adding Album_subheader to the end of your current sort option - something like: Album Artist/Album/Album_subheader
(Or, if you are already using a custom sort, just try adding Album_subheader at the end)

You responded while I was typing this out. I agree that your suggestion is almost there and may well be satisfactory for the OP (I didn't test it).
This is what I was thinking could be done (it's a little more complex setting up but give a nice solution I think, and records the date added to favourites which offers future flexibility):

I agree that manually setting the date in this field each time would be a clumsy solution as it stands.
If you want to spend a little effort in setting up an automatic way of doing this you can:

  1. Create a custom tag <FavDate> and configure this field to be of type 'Date'. (as previously suggested).

  2. If you do not have it already, install the AT&RT Plugin and all the presets (instructions are included in the readme file in the download).

  3. Create a virtual tag to hold the date you want written to the <FavDate> field (set the date format as required):


   4. Tools > Additional Tagging & Reporting Tools > Advanced Search & Replace. Using the 'Example: Copy Tag' preset, create a new user preset (called 'Add to Favourites') which copies <virDateNow> to <FavDate>.

   5. Select this new preset and check the 'assign hotkey for this preset' option.

You will now have three options to 'add selected file(s) to your favourites':
   a) Right click > Additional Tagging & Reporting Tools > Advanced Search & Replace > Add to Favourites
   b) Configure a hotkey for this preset command.
   c) Configure a toolbar button for this preset command.

If you want to try this and are having any issues setting it up, then come back and ask - I am sure I or someone else will be able to help.

Before I overthink it, why wouldn't the same criteria in #1 work for #2, with the exception of library date being > 7?

The OP wants:
#2   I would like to create an auto playlist of tracks which have been in the library for more than 7 days but which I've only recently added to the manually created favourites playlist.

This would require:

  <Playlist> is "Favourite Tracks"
  <DateAdded> is more than 7 days
  <Date added to playlist> is less than 7 days (which rule is not readily available)

As you say, MusicBee does not record the date that tracks are added to playlists.

As an alternative concept to how you do your favourites playlist, you could consider this (and this is a very basic concept which can be partly/fully automated using the AT&RT plugin if you consider it worthwhile):

1. Create a custom tag FavDate and configure this field to be of type 'Date'.
2. Whenever you decide to identify a track as a favourite, set this field to the date of that day.

Your favourites playlist would now be an auto-playlist with a single rule <FavDate> has a value and you now have a date added to your playlist with which to identify recent favourites etc.

Yep, that's it.
(blimey, I spent ages trying to figure that one out).

And I could have reduced my last post to three or four lines and just suggested the OP check that option.

When missing files are found using the 'on startup check' function, a delete confirmation window will open:

An identical result occurs when using Tools > Advanced > Rescan All Files
This window can't be missed or ignored as it is modal. Of course, you can click yes or no without thinking but that seems unlikely.

The other option available is to check the 'always remove without asking' setting from which point any missing files found (using one of these tools) will result in having their library entries removed automatically (no confirmation window). This setting is common to both the 'startup check' and the 'rescan files' functions.
I cannot figure out a way, within the MusicBee interface, to check if this setting has been enabled, nor to disable it - once checked forever active? Or maybe I'm just not seeing it.
However, this setting is stored in the MusicBee3Settings.ini file in an entry <ConfirmationPromptRemoveDeadLinks2>XXXX</ConfirmationPromptRemoveDeadLinks2> where XXXX=true means the confirmation window is active and XXXX=false means the confirmation window is disabled and will result in dead links being deleted from the library without asking.
Maybe the OP has checked this setting at some point in the past?

Tools > Locate Missing Files also identifies all dead links (and has some tools for relocating the files).
Tools > Tagging Tools > Other 'Files to Edit' Filters > Show Dead Links seems to be more of a filter and only lists dead links if they have already been identified by a scan etc.

The 'on startup check for updated and missing files' setting and 'Show Dead Links' tool you mention are working as expected for me.

Might you be using the setting 'continuously monitor' your music folder?
If so, and you had MB open when you moved the folder, then MB would have updated the library automatically and hence no remaining missing files/dead links.
You could check the error log for any 'continuous monitor: dead file link removed' entries.

Questions / Re: How to remove file from file organiser
« on: April 02, 2024, 12:54:35 AM »
Check that there are no 'missing files' in the audiobook or video nodes of the library (even if you do not use them, a file may have been sent there by accident).

Yes, there is - you can do any/all of this using a Custom Layout:

Right-click on the tab header > Use Custom Layout > Copy Current Layout To...
(now save your layout with a useful name)
You will now be using a 'custom layout' on this tab which you can configure as required without affecting any other tab.

Used in conjunction with 'Custom Views', you can fine tune each tab to be unique and specific to the contents of that tab.

Hi Tim17 and welcome to the forum.

You might like to try using the Library Explorer instead of the Thumbnail Browser - select this in the 'Arrange Panels' options window.

Then, set the Library Explorer to 'Genre' and set its 'sort by' option to 'Album Artist\Album' (or have a play with these settings)
You can end up with a panel something like this:

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