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Topics - EdBrady

Pages: 1
MusicBee Wishlist / Numerical scale for track volume adjustment
« on: September 14, 2010, 04:26:35 AM »
One of the nicest features I've found in MusicBee is the track-based volume adjustment (right-click on the track, choose "Edit" and click on the "Settings" tab).  This is a great way to adjust the playback volume of a track, so you don't have to re-encode just for a simple volume adjustment -- perfect for tracks you only have in a lossy compressed format.  Very nice indeed.

One shortcoming, though, is that there is only a slider control. There's no numerical indication of the volume setting, nor is there a way to make sure you've set the control to zero if you no longer want any adjustment.  I'd like to see a numerical indicator added, perhaps calibrated in dB as well as percentage.

Pages: 1