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Topics - Astro Gaze

Pages: 1
Portable Devices / Need Help with Strange Difference Syncing 2 Libraries
« on: August 29, 2022, 04:52:11 AM »
Hey guys,

I'm having a mysterious issue trying to sync 2 different libraries. I'd appreciate some help.

As I stated above, I use 2 libraries which live in my Default Music Folder
- C:\Users\[name]\Music\Main Library\Songs\...
- C:\Users\[name]\Music\Spotify Library\Songs\...

Currently I'm trying to sync them to the same device. But in Sync Settings, the "Media storage path" for "Music Files" treats the path in one of my libraries different from the other. Even though they're in the same \Music\ parent folder on my computer. Also, it's set to "Preserve folders and filenames". To my understanding, this should prevent the deviation I'm experiencing.

- In my Main Library's Sync Window, when I hit Sync Preview the Target Filename is "Music\Main Library\..." This is what I want.

- But when I Switch to my Spotify Library's Sync Window and I hit Sync Preview, the Target Filename is "Spotify Library\...". The \Music\ parent folder is disregarded.

- In both Sync's, Music files is set to "*".

I Sync'ed both libraries in the current setup and checked the device to confirm. Yes, one library is in the Music folder, and the other is outside it.

1. Why is there a discrepancy for the same setting?  
2. I feel like this could be caused by an internal temporary cache error. Is there a way to clear App Cache on Windows 10, like in an Android's App Settings?
- I found C:\Users\aryan\AppData\Local\MusicBee\InternalCache. But that doesn't affect settings.

MusicBee: Installer
MusicBee Version: 3.5 Patched 2
OS: Windows 10
Syncing to: Android 10

Thanks for reading.

Bug Reports / Custom Sorting Priority Issue
« on: August 14, 2022, 10:02:16 AM »
I'm in a playlist named Before the 90's, Viewing by Track, and I can't get Sort By > Define Custom Sorting to prioritize Original Year, over Year. It always prefers Year first. I've tried Define Custom Sort By
1. Original Year/Year/Artist
2. Original Year/Year (yyyy)/ Artist
3. Artist/Original Year/Year

When I switch between option 1 and 3 it's visible that there is a priority order.

The reason I'm trying to use two different "years" is because I have some movie soundtracks and compilation albums that contain songs from different years than the album release date, and I want the songs broken up from the album, within the playlist. So I set the Original Year in Tags (2). For example Goodfellas is a movie from the 90's, but each song is set between 1950-1970.

I thought it would be more streamlined to use Original Year only on an as-needed basis. Otherwise, you'd have to tag Original Year for your entire library, and any new tracks added, just to bend around a few albums.

Astro Gaze

MusicBee Wishlist / Compact Player Double Click Launch
« on: August 12, 2022, 11:19:50 PM »
Please add an option in preferences to change Double-click (any empty space) in Music Player Control panel

From Launch Mini Player

To Launch Compact Player.

Compact Player is beautiful to look at and has more features to configure, than Mini Player. I find myself not using Mini Player at all. But I can see how others could want it for a minimalist, bare-bones, player.

Thanks for reading!
Please +1 if you'd find this helpful.

Astro Gaze

*Edited to remove second request that was already a feature.

Hey guys,

I've tried searching for "double-click to mini-player" and "double-click top panel". But searching "double-click (anything)", returns a lot of results. So, sorry if this has been covered already.

I accidentally discovered that double-clicking the top panel (any area here that isn't a button)

Switches to Mini Player view.

I find Compact Player to be a lot more informative and nicer to look at. Of the two, I use Compact player exclusively.

Is there a way to change the double-click behaviour to launch Compact player?

I didn't see anything obvious in panel settings or preferences.


*Edit 1: Edited for extra screenshots and clarity.

*Edit 2: Wishlist Post created. If you'd like to see this made, please +1 here:

Hey guys,

I usually keep my folders in Windows Explorer sorted by Date Created and my music library sorted by Date Added. Normally these match up and make it easy to locate a file, should I have to access it.

Lately, I've noticed old files changing their Date Created to the current date, after adding/editing/deleting lyrics and adding/deleting artwork in MusicBee. Tonight it happened to half an album after I edited the lyrics of those songs. I came from iTunes and editing metadata didn't affect the date created.

I wasn't familiar with how MusicBee worked and evidently made a false bug report. But there, Steven described the process I was experiencing as:

sometimes there isnt enough room in a file for new tag data so the file needs to be recreated from scratch.

I'd like to make a Wishlist Request that MusicBee preserves the Date Created of the file it's recreating. For example FreeCommander can "Preserve File/folder timestamp" during moving/copying.

But first, would anyone else find this useful?

If not, does anyone know a workaround for what I'm trying to achieve?

Hello MusicBee Community!

I think I found a bug.
MusicBee has been changing the Date Created value of many mp3's in my music folder, and I would prefer that it didn't. I think there are 2 separate causes.
 1. When editing lyrics through Music Bee's lyrics panel, date created and date modified were both changed. Noticed one song do this, then verified my hypothesis with another song.
 2. I haven't figured out the cause, but a large batch of 1,166 files also have a new date created value. This goes back to 04-Jun-2022.

Please help, as I like to keep my music folder as organized as my player.

If you want a little more info...
1. I sort my music folder by date created. When opening it today, I saw an old file at the top of the list with a date created from today. It was strange since I didn't touch the file directly. Then I remembered that I edited it's lyrics from Music Bee's lyrics panel. So I tested this theory on another file, and sure enough I got the same result. New date created value, and date modified to match, in the music folder.

I did a quick search and couldn't find any connection between, editing lyrics causing a new date created value. I did however find a thread where someone explained that editing tags changes the date modified value so that Music Bee knows to address the file during a wired/wireless sync. Updating the date modified value makes sense, but not date created. I believe there's a bug that's tangling date created into this as well.

2. Also, while looking back through the music folder, I found 1,166 random, older files, who now have a new date created value. But I'm certain I didn't edit the lyrics for these. So there's another cause for this issue, but I can't think of what that might be. The bulk of this batch (about 1000) had it's date created changed on 04-Jun-2022, every minute from 7:09pm-7:30pm. That suggests there was a running process that changed them. The remaining were sporadic, leading up to today. While I can't think of what might be this second cause, I know it started on 04-Jun-2022, and I hadn't edited these lyrics.

Version 3.4.8033
Windows 10

Any and all help are greatly appreciated,
Astro Gaze

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