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Topics - coldhanded

Pages: 1
Skins / Hide scrobble button - fluenx skin
« on: July 27, 2022, 08:42:55 PM »
Continuing this discussion here as to not hijack the original skin thread.

As the title states I am trying to hide the button on the fluenx skin by diego. I have managed to hide the button with the flag:
<element id="HideScrobbleButtonSupported">true</element>
However this causes the wavebar to overlap with the right buttons as shown here:

What I have tried so far

Replacing the tracklove element with:
<element id="TrackLove" parent="TrackInfoPanel">
  <left relativeTo="EqualiserButton.Left" offset="-73" />
Copying the entirety of the skin.xml to the skin_wavebar.xml

Copying the entirety of the skin_wavebar.xml to the skin.xml

All of which either had no effect on the alignment or gave an error upon compiling with SkinCreator. Any help is appreciated links to the skin files are above.


Solved see Reply #2

Pages: 1