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Topics - MayorQwert

Pages: 12
Portable Devices / Converting File Path from two drives for Android phone?
« on: February 25, 2021, 02:14:15 PM »
Hello! I know you can convert file paths but I need to be able to convert the file paths from two separate drives to the format used by my phone. To better explain, here's what I need to convert:


both of those need to be converted to


I already tried relative paths and a UNIX path convention to see if I could get the E:\Music one to work when it is just ..\Music\, but it doesn't seem like my phone likes relative paths. Besides, this approach still wouldn't work for the D:\ path.

I was hoping there was a way to use the "map base paths in exported playlists" feature, and just use a relative path for that, but it doesn't seem to work that way.
Here's what I tried:
from: ..\Music\ to: /storage/emulated/0/Music/

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated! I can always manually change the paths over with an advanced text editor, but having it automated would be awesome since I could bulk export playlists to my mobile device!

I'm wanting to try and experiment with it but I can't seem to find good documentation on usage. I'm very new to this type of programming but was wanting to try my hand at it.

I'm hoping to be able to utilize it so that I can have a music stream chatbot that will let users type commands (within) limits, that will do things like skip tracks or queue tracks based on text entered. However, I don't know what sort of limits there are with the remote program to begin with and I want to check on that before I invest too much time in learning how to program chatbots.  ;)

So, we have Virtual Tags, which are great! But what about Global Tags?

Essentially, a tag that will be the same across all songs (similar to Virtual Tags) BUT with the feature that you can save values to them through the use of a dedicated function.

Here's how this could look:
"Global Tag 1" is set to be a number.
The function $Save(parameter,<Global Tag>) can then be used in template editor to save a value to a global tag.

This would allow a large number of currently impossible feats. Like for example, you could have an incrementing value each time something is played?

Initial value set in the tag menu
<Global Tag 1> = 0  Type set to Number

Template editor function (Uses functions from Additional Tagging & Reporting Tools):
$If(<Artist>=X,$Save($Add(<Global Tag 1>,<Global Tag 1>),<Global Tag 1>)
This would effectively be a integer++ function in MusicBee! This would tick up the count every time artist X is played. This could of course have a whole host of other potential uses if implemented correctly.

However, main problem I see currently would be how to deal with if you have multiple locations writing to the same tag, like if you made the mistake of having the main player template editor AND the track information pane, or even two locations on track information writing to the tag at the same time. I'm not sure how to deal with this. Also, ensuring the function is only ran once per track would be tricky.

That being said, I think the benefits would far outweigh the troubles!

Questions / Display remaining time in an album?
« on: February 17, 2021, 05:19:06 PM »
Hey! I've been racking my brain trying to figure out how to do this with various tools but to no avail.

I was wanting to figure out if there's a way to display the amount of time remaining in an album when playing one in a queue while using "shuffle by album". I don't mind if it is not 100% using tools internal to MB, or even extra plugins.

Currently, I've been trying to look into if there was a way to utilize the "Additional Tagging and Reporting Tools" along with the "Now Playing to External Files" plugins to output the duration and length of each track to a txt file, and then have a script that subtracts time off to show an updated remaining time for each track, resetting and updating to a new album duration each time album changes.
Obviously, this is very convoluted and I haven't even begun working on the script for it.. (Can't seem to find Album Duration on the list of available vars for "Now Playing to External Files"...)

Is there an easier way to do this that I might be missing? I don't really care what format the displayed number takes or even care about where on the player it would be located, just that the number is listed somewhere!

I'm working on using MusicBee for a music stream and I currently just print the total time for the whole album on it but it would be great to have some form of countdown!

Bug Reports / Problems with > & < If/Then on numerical tags
« on: February 16, 2021, 12:26:32 AM »
I've noticed this problem for a while. It seems to have something to do with when the number of digits mismatch, though I'm not exactly sure. I did a test with $len(<title>)>30 as the logic. I notice when the number of digits match up the logic works, but when the $len(<title>) is a single digit or 3 digits it breaks.
It seems the issue is that the > and < functions are only looking at the first digit of the number?

So it will say things like:
1 < 30 but
5 < 30 because 5 is greater than 3
99 > 30 but
102 < 30 because 1 is less than 3

Please ignore everything after here, I kept it here because there is still an issue with some of the cases I mention and I want to keep it noted so later discussion might make more sense.

I mainly just want to focus on the case I added to the start, however.

However, when you start to use functions it completely breaks.

I've had numerous times where I've tried to do functions where I take an element and trim it down for use in functions like this. For example, taking the length and cutting the seconds off so I just get the minute field, like if something is 5:35 and I trim it to 5, sometimes the function will break and display T/F in incorrect cases.

Another example is when I try to use > or < logic with the $len() command, similar results occur where it will occasionally defy the expected logic.

The most recent example was using the "Additional Tagging & Reporting Tools" where I utilize the Random function. I have to clip some elements off with the function because the first two and last character are not related to the actual random value output (It adds D# to the start and a 5 to the end, for some reason). I trim these off to just print the number I want, which can be between 1 and 1000.

I intended to use this with some < or > functions but the logic breaks at seemingly random intervals. For example, the 710 500 example from earlier.

If the random value is 710 resulting in 710 > 500, it will return an "F" value. It honestly seems even more arbitrary than that. When I ran the preview I saw a whole host of random values printed and the responses sometimes aligned and sometimes didn't. I even saw a case where there were two cases of "550" on the random number tag's output and one said "T" and the other said "F"!

For reference, here's the entirety of my code:
<Random1000> = $CutRight($CutLeft($Random(1000),2),1)
I need to cut because otherwise it would print D3<number>5
Random1000 has been set to "number" in the tag(2) properties

Test Function:

Likewise, the same function but for a max value of 10 (same everything but take two 0s off all the functions
Testing a bunch of values yielded the following outputs (For Random10 > 5):

I've placed X's next to all the incorrect logic printouts.
T 9 > 5
F 9 > 5 X
T 5 > 5 X
T 7 > 5
F 9 > 5 X
F 8 > 5 X
F 6 > 5 X
F 7 > 5 X
F 7 > 5 X
F 5 > 5
F 1 > 5
F 0 > 5
T 6 > 5
T 0 > 5 X
F 0 > 5
F 0 > 5
F 6 > 5 X
T 9 > 5
F 6 > 5 X
F 6 > 5 X

I've had this problem in other cases as well, it seems to occur when any functions start to get involved from what I've seen? Not sure but it's a real headache!

MusicBee Wishlist / Turn "shuffle album tracks" on/off on the fly!
« on: February 15, 2021, 06:04:52 PM »
Hello a simple request here. The ability to turn on or off "shuffle album tracks" for album shuffle on the fly from the player shuffle settings context menu. Also have this instantaneously implement on the playing tracks queued up, with the current album having the remaining tracks just ordered in their relative positions. If this is changed back to shuffling individual tracks then the individual tracks can be randomly shuffled up again.

My reason for this is that there are some albums that I want to hear through in order, but the vast majority are fine being shuffled. It would be nice to be able to switch between the two states without having to jeopardize the whole queue and change the order of upcoming albums. I've had many times now that an album plays and I want to hear it in sequential order, but there's also a few albums coming up I'm looking forward to and I have to decide to forefit one or the other!

MusicBee Wishlist / More Functions for Template Editor
« on: February 15, 2021, 05:04:03 PM »
There's a few things I've noticed are missing from template editor that would further expand on functionality.

1) A random number function. Something like $Rand(lower,upper). Outputted values could be used with the <, >, or =, operators in some cases.
I've had at to improvise in my case with very convoluted code involving date modified to make a "pseudo-random" display for some projects I'm working on in MusicBee

2) Better implementation of >,<,= operators. It seems like it doesn't work properly for larger integers, I get odd behavior when you get to multiple digit numbers. It would be nice if it worked properly for all integers as well as negative numbers and timestamps (in the #:## form).

3) Arithmetic functions (i.e. add, subtract, multiply, divide) and the ability to use them with tags that are set to be numbers (and maybe even times!). So for example being able to manually divide the album rating to have it display on a 1-5 scale.

If functions were to be used, the following could be contenders:

$Mult(A,B,decimals) (A * B) if decimals = 0, output is #, if decimals is 3, output is #.###, etc.
$Div(A,B,decimals) (A/B)
$Add(A,B) (A+B)
$Sub(A,B) (A-B)

So for the album rating example, let's say you want a string to say "The Album rating is 4.7."  in track info. Currently, album rating is an integer between 0 and 100.

So if you were to type this string out in the current template editor it would be:

"The Album rating is "<Album Rating>"."
Which would print: "The Album Rating is 94."

With a Div function, you would write it as:

"The Album Rating is "$Div(<Album Rating>,20,1)"."
Which would print: "The Album Rating is 4.7.

There's other benefits, too. Like if you can use it with time variables and do division of a mm:ss formatted track length by the full album length to get a percentage of how much the track is out of the full album, or even if you could do something like take the album length in minutes and divide it by the number of tracks to get the average length per track, for example.

4) A tag to go along with "Album Played" that can denote the number of tracks played from the track's album. So if you have played 3 / 11 of the tracks in the library it will display a "3". This could be used with the $Div function to then give you the percentage of an album played.

"Percent of Album Played: "$Mult($Div(<Album Played Tracks>, <Album Track Count>,5),100,1)"%"

<Album Played Tracks> = 3, <Album Track Count> = 11
$Div(<Album Played Tracks>,<Album Track Count>,5) = 0.27273
$Mult(0.27273,100,1) = 27.3

With string elements, outputted text is:
"Percent of Album Played: 27.3%"

Hey so I have some albums that are mega long (like 100 or so tracks) and split up into discs, is there a way I can rig it so it'll only play one disc of the album instead of the entire album when I set it to album shuffling? I reaaaally wanna use album shuffle more but it's a pain when you get stuck on a massive album that you'd like to hear some of but it just goes on waaay too long!

Mainly for large albums/collab sets. I have some albums that are over 100 tracks long and split into discs and it would be nice to have the option to have only a single disc of these be played, to have album shuffle be more evenly balanced.

Would also make it easy for the user to have more control on what would play together. For example, if I don't care about the pure setup of the album metadata I could define custom disc arrangements to ensure certain tracks are played together or if it is a long album I could manually split it up to avoid it from dragging on too long when album shuffle is engaged.

How does this sound?  :)

Essentially an expansion of current system that rather that just being "all/any of the following" it can be "all/any of these" AND/OR "all/any of these"

So I could say:
            All these: Condition A, Condition B, Condition C
            All these: Condition D, Condition E, Condition F
            Condition X

So it would play all cases where A,B,C are ALL true for a track and likewise all tracks where D,E,F are ALL true, provided they have Condition X true.

Make sense?
This can roughly be achieved currently (and awkwardly) by making 3 separate autoplaylists (one for A,B,C and one for D,E,F and one tying them together, for example). However, current setup means it takes some time to set up and it is not very practical, especially if you want to try a bunch of different arrangements without getting absurd with the number of playlists you're using.


Not sure if this is even theoretically possible, but is it possible at all to have where chat commands can be used to search the library and play a song? So basically song requests?

Like I could say "!request sonic 2 chemical plant" and if my library has something that matches the search it will set it to queue next.

I doubt this is in the scope of plugins but thought I'd ask to see what some others thought. I'm currently using my Musicbee for music streams and it would be neat if there was a theoretical possibility I could implement such a feature.

(Apologies if this isn't the right board for this)

Bug Reports / MusicBee doesn't consistently respect "add silence" settings
« on: February 02, 2021, 03:08:35 PM »
Hey, so I've noticed that sometimes MusicBee doesn't respect the settings for "add silence" under the player options. I haven't noticed a clear pattern to it but from time to time it will just play the next track without any gap even though I have a 2 second silence addition chosen.
Here's my full list of player options:

(Assume disabled if not mentioned)
WASAPI output
-play some silence at startup for hardware synchronization
-Smooth fading when stopping
-normalize volume of tracks with replay gain tags
-remove silence at start and end of each track
- add silence to end of each track: 2 seconds

No special equalizer or DSP settings

Questions / Any possible way to run multiple instances on same machine?
« on: January 25, 2021, 07:49:33 PM »
Hello, I have the issue that I have recently began using MusicBee to run an online music stream but am also wanting to have a separate instance of musicbee for personal use. I'm not sure if this is possible but here's the details:

The dedicated music stream instance can't be used for normal playback during streams, I have global hotkeys disabled and am carefully capturing elements from the player so I cannot mess with the format or playback ordering.

As such, I was wondering if I could have a second instance, perhaps a portable install, running with its own independent settings and maybe even library location. It would be nice if it were possible to have the libraries be the same but settings different but I don't mind if I have different library files and just have to sync between the two from time to time as well.

I hope there's a way to do this, perhaps with a portable build? I originally was planning on sticking with my old favorite media player MM5 but I've slowly been converted to MusicBee and would love to be able to use it for my own personal music interests with a fully unlocked layout/settings rather than having to keep myself limited to the confines of my current, very specialized, layout.

For reference, here's what the layout looks like now and what I end up converting it to so you can see why I'd like the ability to format things for myself in a separate instance:

So yeah, I really love that I can do this with MusicBee but it'd be great to be able to have a separate instance I can customize differently, if at all possible!

Bug Reports / MusicBee Won't Shuffle
« on: January 25, 2021, 03:22:55 PM »
At the bottom of this is the error message. It keeps generating for anything I put in the queue and restarts don't fix it. If I am on "shuffle off" it will cause this error the next time I click it. Afterwards I can click again and it will turn on shuffle without error but if I cycle back around to "shuffle off" and press it again, it will give the error again. This cycle can be repeated endlessly.

Edit: No longer lets me shuffle at all from the player

MusicBee v3.4.7691.35413D  (Win10.0), 25 Jan 2021 10:20:

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.IndexOf(T item, Int32 index)
   at #=zSWCAbaRVjfgZA9FpIZ_U586tAibWEmL_dQ==.#=zLIVeC_SCet2zZWrgzpIVpkk=(Int32 #=z$2CvH$s=)
   at #=zSWCAbaRVjfgZA9FpIZ_U586tAibWEmL_dQ==.#=zt3lcfqOb4SgxEy8OfXCOs$c=()
   at #=zU6Ndg4xKL6BTd3gX8925$ro=.#=zP_BG3TWDq0Ct()
   at #=zU6Ndg4xKL6BTd3gX8925$ro=.#=z_u0RNqNMMNHk(Boolean #=zbKC9tRTuMy95)
   at #=zfu8K_BVPZRQNLYpy7yIEUTPjxL_d.#=z9QzoVjPjnfwN(#=zJ6Zhp1rR1VWR #=zK60pSUM=)
   at #=zkDWt$tRz$$iWkrlDlxUBzVo=.#=zCD3WUxViCfG6(MouseEventArgs #=zK60pSUM=)
   at #=z_eYoQIYB4nGA0KD4LlBpzFDsxXJK.#=zpu$bm9B810a9.#=zkn0CaTFPaF1uJ$OTGw==.#=zCD3WUxViCfG6(MouseEventArgs #=zK60pSUM=)
   at #=z_eYoQIYB4nGA0KD4LlBpzFDsxXJK.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs #=zK60pSUM=)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseDown(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
   at #=zqsRAPo8Aml1g09$q8uP48V4=.WndProc(Message& #=z6wjMKA8=)
   at #=z_eYoQIYB4nGA0KD4LlBpzFDsxXJK.WndProc(Message& #=z6wjMKA8=)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

MusicBee Wishlist / Expansion to Shuffle Settings with more options
« on: January 22, 2021, 08:40:53 PM »
I was wondering if we could see an expansion to what is currently available. Right now we have same/different artist bias but I was wondering if for example at the very least we could change "artist" to be a selectable drop down menu where we can specify a field for it to look for same/different of. For example I would love to be able to set a same/different album bias so that I could have it play 2 or 3 songs in a given album occasionally. That or even changing it to year, if you wanted to have it bias towards keeping music from the same time period. A lotta possibilities here!

Pages: 12