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Topics - voodoopunk

Pages: 1
Questions / Track Information Formatting
« on: January 23, 2021, 03:03:27 PM »
Hi All,

I'm currently running 3.4.7691 P on Windows 8.1 and after looking at the threads below, I'm attempting to smarten up my track information:

These are my track information details:

{font: Segoe UI Symbol;Regular;7} {font: default}{contrast: 70}<Title>
{font: Segoe UI Symbol;Regular;7} {font: default}{contrast: 70}<Artist>
{font: Segoe UI Symbol;Regular;7} {font: default}{contrast: 70}<Album>
{font: Segoe UI Symbol;Regular;7} {font: default}{contrast: 70}<Year>;{font: Segoe UI Symbol;Regular;8} {font: default}{contrast: 70}<Comment>;{contrast: 70}<Genre>
{contrast: 70}Track $If(<Track#><10,$Split(<Track#>,0,2),<Track#>) of <Track Count>;{contrast: 70}Disc <Disc#>$If(<Set Subtitle>!=""," ["<Set Subtitle>],) of <Disc Count>
$IsNull(<Artists: Performer>,,{font: Segoe UI Symbol;Regular;7}" "{font: Noto Sans Cond;Regular;9}{contrast: 70}<Artists: Performer>)

I believe this is all okay. Although I'd like <Title>;<Artist>;<Album> on one line but any content that's too long in any one of the tags doesn't wrap, even without the font markup and the max row span on 99.

The problem I'm having is my existing works in some instances, but in others it doesn't. See the examples.

Am I doing something wrong/daft? Or is this expected behaviour? Or is what I'm after just not currently possible?


MusicBee Wishlist / Remove silence on Rip
« on: January 10, 2021, 12:41:54 PM »

Would it be possible to add an option to remove a selected amount of silence when ripping from CD. Currently any CD that I rip with silence I use Foobar as it has this feature.

I know I can use mpcut  or Audacity, which I've used in the past to split tracks. But this would a useful addition and would remove the need for any additional post process.


Questions / Portable Version + HDCD
« on: January 07, 2021, 12:34:00 PM »
Hi All,

As per the subject, I've recently (some time late last year) updated to using the portable version of Musicbee 3.3.7491 P after having used the installer version for quite a few years. When I pop a CD that's HDCD into my drive, the remastered version of Siren by Roxy Music I cannot get Musicbee to recognise it as HDCD, not when ripping as there's no HDCD prompt as there used to be, or by playing.

Does this mean ripping HDCD's can no longer be ripped as 24 bit by Musicbee?


Questions / Add date to album folder, but not album title
« on: May 17, 2020, 12:14:31 PM »
Hi all,

Is it possible when ripping from CD or manually adding FLAC files to add the date to the album folder, but not to the album title. I've looked at the auto-organise rules and can't really make any sense of it.


Pages: 1