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Topics - Loud-Quiet-Loud

Pages: 1
Bug Reports / Visual Update Issue
« on: October 13, 2019, 04:48:25 PM »
First of all, I want to express my sincere gratitude for the mere existence of MusicBee and it's author, Steven. A finer application I have yet to make use of, at any price.

I'm having a problem which can best be described as MusicBee failing to visually update in several places, namely the currently playing track and side panels. I've tried many search terms and have failed to locate a previous case of this issue being reported on the forum but I apologise if this is known and/or a solution already exists.

As seen in the screenshot, when skipping to the next track, the previous one stays highlighted in the main panel although the top panel displays correctly. Similarly, when moving between tabs, the left and right main panels also fail to update.

I've tried switching skins and un-maximizing the application, to no avail.

Pages: 1