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Topics - wavedash

Pages: 1
I see that /VolumeDown and /VolumeUp are supported, but they seem to take the current volume and decrease and increase it by 10. Is it possible to launch with a static 50, for example?

Questions / Problems Importing "Date Added" Data
« on: May 14, 2019, 01:07:17 AM »
I'm trying to import my library from foobar. I've managed to get a lot of stuff over, including most Playback Statistics stuff like Rating and Play Count, by exporting an iTunes library from MusicBee and editing the XML.

However, I'm having problems importing Date Added. I see lines like this in the XML, but editing it and importing the XML doesn't update the Date Added shown in MusicBee.

<key>Date Added</key><date>2019-05-13T18:43:16Z</date>

How can I get this imported to MusicBee?

Pages: 1