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Topics - burns274

Pages: 1
MusicBee Wishlist / Continuous scrolling in Now Playing Photo View
« on: October 06, 2012, 05:08:54 PM »
1. I like the 'Photos' view in the Now Playing Tab.
   But the fast scrolling and stopping looks kind of cheapo and doesn't fit the rythm of Music.
   I would rather like to see a continuous scrolling - maybe even reflecting the speed of the music.
   Probably too cpu power consuming...
   Or a simple fading would be better too. 

2. Double clicking the photos for a fullscreen Slideshow / single click to close the fullscreen

MusicBee Wishlist / On mouse over show side panels
« on: March 28, 2012, 08:15:14 PM »
I use the show/hide left and right panel button alot on my small Laptop screen.
A 'mouse over' feature would be really cool and would add a very modern touch.
If you hover over the icon and don't click it the sidebar just overlays the main panel without resizing (maybe even with a transparent effect).
As long as you stay with the mouse in the side panel it overlays. When leaving the panel it closes.
If you know Adobe Lightroom you know what I'm talking about.

I don't know if this is complicated to implement, but it's a handy and good looking feature.

I would like to see my Ipod in a fixed panel under the Navigator Panel (like the Libary Explorer).
That would make it easier to drag and drop music on it. The way it is now I always have to scroll down the
folder list to find it.
Also a 'send to Ipod' hotkey would be cool.

thanks for this great player! 

Pages: 1