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Topics - Faerch

Pages: 1
Questions / Album View: Sort by Albums by "Album Year" tag
« on: December 16, 2020, 05:56:47 PM »
For all my compilation albums, I would like to tag each individual track with it's original release year in [Year] and the compilation album release year in [Album Year] .

And then in Album View I would like to group the albums by [Album Year]
I can do it in Albums and Tracks view but can't get it to work in Album view

Does anybody have a solution?

Questions / Only show artist line, when there is a guest artist
« on: July 19, 2018, 10:53:59 AM »
In artist view when i have a guest artist on a track i want a line under the title track to appear like this:

But most of the time i get a line under every track, if there is one track that has a guest artist, like this:

I can't seem to find any difference in the metadata on the two albums. Both have the same album artist and some tracks have a guest artist.

Can anybody tell me how to only get an artist line when there is a guest artist on the track?

Pages: 1