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Topics - Nikkel

Pages: 1
Questions / Lyrics panel expanding back when resizing window
« on: September 20, 2016, 08:09:35 PM »
I am not sure if it's intended to work like this, but I personally find it very frustrating.
I have put a panel with the lyrics on the right side of my window. More to the right is the track information panel. (so there's 2 panels on the right side)
The lyrics panel has the right width, but I occasionaly make the whole MB window less wide when I am fixing my tags with musicbrainz or discogs in a windows next to my MB window.
When I make the MB fullscreen or make it wider again. The lyrics panel is really small.

It's not that big of a deal to just adjust it everytime. But after so many time it's starting to annoy me.

Hope this will be received as good feedback. I wonder if there are more people who find tis annoying as well. Maybe i'm just lazy.  :P

MusicBee Wishlist / Tags to filename
« on: January 21, 2016, 06:41:15 PM »
I've been looking for this in Musicbee and in the forums but I only find topics about tagging songs by the filename.
But what I want to request is to be able to rename your files by the tags.

My tags are all right, but i'd like to rename my files to what's in the fields, for instance: <Artist> - <Year> - <Album> - <Track>

Please tell me I made this topic for nothing, because it's already possible. If it isn't i'd like to request it.

If this option is available I don't need any other tagging tool anymore. I know use MP3Tag to do it.

I was actually typing a whole topic asking for help with showing tags only if they're available,
but as I was typing and still testing everything, I found out how I can do it.

If you want to show a (custom) tag only if it's available.
Say you have the tag-field set onto custom3:

<Artiest><IsNull(<Custom3>,, Feat. <Custom3>)>

This way if there's nothing in the tag-field, it shows nothing.
If there's an artists in the field (or anything else) It shows Feat. [ARTISTS]

I actually have no idea what the comma's are for, but it works, so who cares :-P
Hopefully some people think it's useful, as some people like to show the featured artists or disc-number, remix or whatever.

I was trying to find this out, because the old method i had asked for once in the forum in the past, didn't work any more:
<artist> <Custom3?null(:Feat. %)> - <title>

Portable Devices / Playlist files
« on: November 20, 2011, 06:50:38 PM »
I've seen in the library settings, that the playlists can be stored as different formats. Pla. Pls. and many more.
But when I sync with a MTP device, it always stores as .PLA.

But i think the musicsoftware i use doesn't support .PLA, because other musicprograms on my phone do support the playlists, but i think it does support .PLS.

Is there a way to change the format for syncing to you MTP device?

Portable Devices / Sync to drive
« on: March 02, 2011, 06:59:43 PM »
I really like the function that let's me easily sync music to my mobile phone, mp3player and stuff.
I also use a ACRyan Mediaplayer and i would love to know if and how i can use this the same way.

I want to sync a playlist to that device also.
But it's just recognized as a drive.

Is it possible to do this?
It would make my music ordening much easier  ;D

Pages: 1