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Messages - InsidAero

Pages: 12
There is the Lisu tone character:
It looks like a semi-colon but isn't.

This'll do nicely. Thank you!

I can't swear to it, but I think if there's no space after the semicolon it won't process it as multiple tags. Maybe you could find a way to insert an invisible character instead of the space?

Just tried that, unfortunately the artist name still splits.

I've seen this question on the forums once before, but there was no solution provided. I listen to a band called Kairon; IRSE! and that pesky semicolon splits up the artist tag into "Kairon" and "IRSE!" despite it only being one artist. Is there some way I can treat the semicolon like a normal character instead of having it split artists? Is there an escape character that would work? If all else fails, is there some way I can make a plugin to deal with this?

Questions / Re: Sort albums randomly?
« on: July 27, 2020, 06:45:57 PM »
Steven posted while I was typing, with a different answer. It depends what you mean by "sort those albums in an entirely random order, by album". I read it to mean entire albums selected at random, but the tracks on each album played in their correct order.

Yes, this is what I want. I see what I had to do -- I had to select "manual order" as the sort. I got it now!

Questions / Sort albums randomly?
« on: July 27, 2020, 04:55:50 AM »
I'm looking to make an auto-playlist that contains all albums within a set of parameters. However, I want that auto-playlist to sort those albums in an entirely random order, by album. How can I achieve this?

I have an Android Galaxy Note 10 that I've used to sync with MusicBee before. Last time I did it, everything ran smoothly, even though I was syncing between 150 and 200 GB of music -- I was syncing one playlist, and I'm trying to do the same again as I have added and removed songs from said playlist. Now, neither the sync nor the preview will work at all, despite everything being the same as last time. Am I doing something wrong? How can I fix this?

EDIT: Apparently it was just taking forever. As stated I had removed some tracks from the playlist, so it took a long time to prompt me to delete those from the device, not sure why. It seems sorted, but now it says "synchronisation has temporarily stalled for 3-10 minutes while the device processes current file operations." I hope that won't become a problem. I'll update if it does.

EDIT 2: Not sure if I should remove the thread or not, but everything worked out fine.

I can think of a way I think might work, but you'd need 2 auto playlists, the second being your ultimate result.

1st - Criterion: Rating has no Value Select by: Album
2nd - Criterion: Playlist is not 1st Select by: Album

I tested it briefly and it seems to do what you want.  You can add Album Track Count > 4 or whatever as a criterion if you want to weed out singles and EPs and Album Complete? = Yes if you only want albums where your total track count matches the reported (in tags) total track count.

Never even thought of doing it like that. Selecting by album has to be the key, right? Either way, thank you! This is exactly what I wanted.

I'm not sure if this would actually work or how best to go about the coding, but it popped into my head haha...
You could also maybe go crazy with custom tags and auto-playlists. You could create an auto-playlist that has every song with a rating. Then create a custom tag that compares the number of songs by each artist and album in that playlist to the album track count, and if they are different then don't include it. This would require having the album total track count filled in for each album though.

Wow, this could actually work. Maybe I'll try this out. Thanks for the idea!
Any idea on how to actually do it, though? I'm not super familiar with MusicBee's code. Is there some way to count a numerical tag, so I would count the number of tracks in the newly made auto-playlist?

I'm looking to create a virtual tag to be used for creating an auto-playlist. I only want an album to show up if every song on said album has a rating. If even one song has no rating, then the entire album will not show up in this auto-playlist. How can I make this happen?

I just noticed that the tag Disc-Track# will use the formatting specified in the Disc-track# format setting.
The tag Track# though does not. I'd consider that a bug and suggest that the Track# tag should also respect the format specified in the second text box of that setting.

On the other hand, if a track doesn't have a disc number Disc-Track# will only display the track number anyway, so try using that tag instead.

(btw, Mp3tag won't let you manually insert leading zeroes in M4A files, which is a bit annoying - works in MusicBee though)

I found another similar thread where you answer this question by saying you can use the native tagging tools to renumber tracks. This works wonderfully. Thanks (albeit it was on another thread)!

I'm pretty sure this is what you're looking for:
Preferences > Tags (2) > tag handling > fields > configure fields > formatting > disc-track# format > change to '00' - '00'

That didn't seem to change anything. Plus, it was already at 0-00 so I imagine my tracks would already all be starting with 0 if it worked that way. Maybe I'm missing something.

Half of my albums have track numbers that go 01, 02, 03... and so on, and the other half go 1, 2, 3... so I wanted to know if there was a way
I could automatically make every track number that's from 1 to 9 have a 0 in front, either using the auto-organise feature, or something else if there's no way to do it with that.

There are games I like to play with music on in the background, and I like to know what's playing, so I set the hotkey for the now playing thing. Some games don't allow borderless windowed and look terrible just windowed. Is there some way I can make it show up over full screen programmes? Even if I have to code something I don't mind, I just wanna be able to stay in the programme and see what's playing.

Questions / Re: Unable to see whole Preferences window
« on: March 12, 2019, 01:36:15 AM »
I've had this problem forever and I'm not sure why or how, but the whole Preferences window isn't available to me because it gets cut off at the bottom of my screen, so I can't get to options nearer to the bottom of the window
How can I fix this?

Not so much a fix but a temporary workaround?

How to move a dialog box window using just the keynoard.
1. Hold down the ALT key.
2. Press SPACEBAR.
3. Press M (Move).
4. A 4-headed arrow will appear. When it does, use your arrow keys to move the outline of the window.
5. When you are happy with its position, press ENTER.

Unfortunately this doesn't work, the box doesn't move.

Questions / Re: Unable to see whole Preferences window
« on: March 11, 2019, 05:53:29 AM »
Is your display scaled up in some way?  The preference window looks giant in comparison to everything else.

Apparently my font size is the issue - the higher the font size, the larger the window. Though, I don't want the font to have to be smaller.

Pages: 12