General => MusicBee Wishlist => Topic started by: Technetic on September 26, 2021, 07:58:12 AM

Title: Make shuffle function more "less played songs" oriented
Post by: Technetic on September 26, 2021, 07:58:12 AM
I am very happy with Music bee specially because its great sound quality. I like to use shuffle function to hear my songlists, but I have noticed that it always has preference for some songs while other songs never get played ( I see this in the "played counter" column). So I wonder if it is possible to add an algorithm that make the songs with more played counts have a less probability to be played again (in statistics terms). The more play counts it has, the less probability to be played again, in the otherwise for the less played count songs, this would be more fair for all songs LOL.
Title: Re: Make shuffle function more "less played songs" oriented
Post by: psychoadept on September 26, 2021, 09:38:44 AM
Hi, welcome to the forum!

There are a few ways you could do this.

The most direct would be to use auto-dj with a filter to the effect of "play count is less than..." However, that requires an absolute value so you'd have to decide where to set it, and adjust it as the number of matching tracks dropped.

A more dynamic way (which is what I've done) is to create an autoplaylist. Point it at your library or whatever source you want and limit it to some number of tracks, maybe 5-10% of your library, and tell it to select by "least often played" (i.e. lowest play count). Put any other filters on it you want, or you can have the main rule be "any field has a value" if you don't want any filters. You can play the playlist directly, or even better - set it as your auto-dj source. Then you'll get a contiuous feed of the least played tracks in your library.