Morphyre Another visualizer February 9, 2019, 3:43 am visualizer 1.0 MusicBee 3 Windows 7/ 8/ 10/ 11 Add-ons Visualizer MusicBee



by boroda

Supports Minimum MusicBee 3

Another visualizer


Morphyre visualizer is designed for Windows Media Player and some other players, but not for MusicBee. That's why installation instructions are not very straightforward:

  1. Download and install Morphyre.

  2. Create a copy of the file "MorphyreWMP.dll" in the folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\Morphyre" and rename this copy to "vis_Morphyre.dll".

  3. Open MusicBee, go to View> Visualizer> Add Visualizer. Select the file "vis_Morphyre.dll".
Name Morphyre
Author boroda
Version 1.0
Category Visualizer
Published on February 1, 2019
Updated on February 9, 2019, 3:43 am
Supports Minimum MusicBee 3

More from boroda

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